Tuesday, August 28, 2012


The Full version of Solstice (loud noises) is now out!!

Here is the download link for Solstice! I'm using a new hosting site, and I apologize in advance for the annoying survey thing. Just Bs it real quick and download the track :) Thanks! http://filesmy.com/file/03CTY

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Unreleased Skrillex Hotel Rio TEZZERACT Remake 320kbps free download:

(First complete the hosting sites survey, then download)
for download at http://tezzeract.bandcamp.com/

Thursday, August 9, 2012

I love this tune so much I had to remake a high quality version to listen to! This song was inspired by the Mashup played by Skrillex at his set in hotel rio. Song credits go to Skrillex, Dillion Francis, Dave Nada and Munchi. Enjoy!